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Week 3 Paper 1 Darwinian Medicine_Medical Anthropology

Week 3 Paper 1 Darwinian Medicine_Medical Anthropology

Q instruction for Darwinian Medicine: Define Darwinian medicine, and explain how this approach frames health and wellness relative to more mainstream US-style biomedicine. Explain the discordance hypothesis and describe the primary ways our information age society differs from the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA). Then, choose a disease or condition, and using it as an example, describe the ways an evolutionary perspective may add to our understanding of that disease or condition’s causation, as well as to possible prevention/treatment approaches. What barriers might medical anthropologists face in attempting to integrate Darwinian medicine into existing US medical care systems

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Darwinian medicine or in more common terms evolutionary medicine focuses on the evolution by natural selection as the basis of social sciences and medicine and through it understanding of health and wellness and developing the various associated concepts. In very recent times has the focus shifted to a more mainstream after the Second World War when the basis of the scope of treatment shifted to physiology and the existence of bacteria (Quirke & Gaudillière, 2008). The Darwinian concept focused on evolution and how the human body learned to adapt and evolve through the ages, making necessary changes, to understand diseases and its cure (Nesse, 2001).